

God Is Light

Brian Mashburn

June 13, 2021

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God Is Light

I used to say that "love" is the only noun that made it into Scripture with enough clout to be worthy of ending the phrase "God is...". There are dozens of adjectives used describing God, but only the word "love" is used as a synonym for God. God is love.

I stand corrected. I found another one that makes the cut. And John uses it in today's text.

"God is light", he says, in 1 John 1:5.

Interesting. Take a trip through scripture concerning light and you find some rich usage. For example, it says that light shines in the darkness, that it can be seen by those living in darkness, but that darkness itself can't understand it. It also says that your whole body can be full of light, that a light is meant to be seen and to help people to see.

It says that light came into the world. It says there are people in the world who hate the light. But it also says that there are people of the light, who are witnesses of the light, and testify concerning the light. Scripture reveals that light is something that is given and enjoyed, it can be walked in, and when it is trusted, scripture says that you may be called sons of light.

Further, there is a teaching of Jesus that says that those who live in truth live in light. And another where he says he came into the world as a light. And another when he says that he is the light.

Powerful usage, but this word peaks in John's use of it today. Why does it get special status as one of the precious few words that get to occupy a sentence equating it with God?

The answer is simple. Darkness. Light is the only solution to darkness. That is why God sent Jesus as a light, and why God Himself is referred to as light. To remove darkness from humanity in every way that you can imagine, you need light. You need God.

Whatever "darkness" you are navigating, you get to be encouraged by John today. In nature, we find that the smallest, tiniest light cannot be overcome by the darkest, thickest, most oppressive darkness. And God is no small, tiny light. He is light. In Him there is no darkness at all. And that is where He wants you... in Him.

Brian Mashburn

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