


Brian Mashburn

May 10, 2020

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Perhaps you have heard the saying, "Oh, how the mighty have fallen."

That saying has is origin in the Bible. Its located at the beginning of the book of 2 Samuel, and it is spoken by David in a lament he wrote concerning King Saul falling in battle.

However, if you keeping up with our 2020 Southwest Bible Project, David's words seem very appropriate for himself. Not because David falls in battle, but because he falls morally. And not just a little bit.

It you read the narrative the way I believe the author (and the Holy Spirit) intends, you should read what happens in 2 Samuel 11 and find yourself struck speechless, full of a powerful mixture of shock and disappointment.

Up until now, David has been a model of faith and goodness. He has been devout, moral, selfless, sacrificial, humble, generous, and gracious. Not perfect, mind you, but... good. He has definitely lived up to his most famous description as "a man after God's own heart".

Until now.

Now, with absolutely no excuse, he falls. And he falls big. David is one of those characters who is set up as a hero of God's Kingdom. He is not SUPPOSED to lie. Or rape. Or commit adultery. Or murder. But in one chapter, our hero falls.

What are we to do when those who are not supposed to, fall? What is our role? How are we to feel? What are we to do?

And what about when we are the ones who fall? Not just in some small way, where the sin is barely noticed by anyone, or the consequences are slight. What if we fall big? What are we to do, and is there any reason for hope?

We will explore this difficult topic today, but let me just say that it is stories like these that incline me to trust Bible as true, and from God. The Bible doesn't mythologize this epic hero of the Jewish and Christian faith, but includes the raw details that are involved in real life. Even when they are not pretty. Not even close.

If God wanted to identify what's wrong in the world, and provide hope in the face of it, then He would address what is really wrong in the world, and demonstrate hope in the face of it.

You will find that here. May we all be "Nathan's" for each other when it is called for, and may we all respond like David when we fall.

Brian Mashburn

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