

Fulfilling The Bible's Story

Brian Mashburn

October 27, 2019

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How To Live Under The Bible's Authority

Last week we acknowledged one of the amazing (some would say miraculous) things about the Bible. Within those 66 separate volumes, there is contained one underlying and epic story.

Think about that for a minute.

That would be a feat of untold proportions if it was just one author, writing within the span of their one lifetime! Imagine if that author wrote one book of poetry for children, another book of history for college students, another book of parables for women, and one more that was biography targeting black athletes, and that this author had written each of these books 12 to 15 years apart. Then imagine, upon examination, you found a massive and powerful sub-plot that the author had embedded in these four seemingly unrelated books written to different audiences for different purposes at different times.

Um... wow.

Well, that is the Bible. Only rather than one author, it includes over 40. Rather than 4 books, it is 66. Rather than being done over the course of 60 years, it was done over the course of 1500 years.

This is one of those things that bears witness to the idea that the Holy Spirit of God was behind the Bible. That this ancient library was inspired by God through men.

So to follow the Bible is to, at least in part, live under the authority of the Bible's Holy Spirit inspired and revealed story.

We finished last week (PLEASE, go listen to it if you missed it! These teachings build upon each other) talking about how to live under the authority of a story.

It does NOT mean we are called to go back and recreate or re-live some particular scene or act from earlier in the story. For example, we are not called to strictly imitate Adam and Eve from Act 1. Nor are called to strictly imitate how the Hebrews were called to be faithful in Act 3. We are not even called to strictly imitate the Christian church from any of the scenes earlier in Act 5.

Instead, we need to see that God's story provides us with guidelines and trajectories.

What does this mean? Today, we take look.

And by the way, what questions do you have? Our last teaching in this series will be a Q & A of those most burning questions that may be surfacing in this series.

Questions? Send them to and I will try to addresse it in this series.

Brian Mashburn

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