

Pursuing Insight

Ryan Porche

October 8, 2017

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The Mature Hunger And Resolve

I've been thinking a lot about you lately.

This is nothing new, of course. I think and pray about you regularly. But as we are finishing up reGroup and our current teaching series, I'm specifically hoping that two things are at the forefront of your mind, are fully established in your intentions, and that some anticipation and excitement are fueling them.

I hoping that (1) you are actively seeking God in a way that makes room for you to become more spiritually mature, and (2) you have a small group of people in your life that you have positioned yourself to help, and be helped by, as you do.

What do you think of these two things that I, along with your entire church leadership, hopes for you? Are they good hopes? Are they "right" hopes? Are we on track in what we feel would be truly good and healthy for you? Are we desiring something that is aligned with what you know of God?

And how do you react to these hopes we have for you? Do you embrace them? Do you resist them? Do you want them? Are you surrendering to them? Do they create guilt? Do they create excitement? Do they tap on something deep and unaddressed? Do they bounce off your spirit like an arrow off of strong armor?

This year, all year, while we will cover a multitude of subjects and read various scripture, they will all operate under the banner of our annual theme: "Next Steps: Moving Towards Spiritual Maturity."

So while we operate in a way to invite you to do just that, know that the degree to which you respond to this invitation is directly proportional with whether (or how much) it happens.

With peace, joy, and restful confidence, let us hunger and thirst for God, and resolve no longer to linger on any spiritual plateau.

Brian Mashburn

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