

Taking Your Next Step

Brian Mashburn

September 3, 2017

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Taking Your Next Step

Lou Holz memorably said, "In this world you're either growing or you're dying so get in motion and grow."

It is a confronting and challenging statement to consider. It is intended as such, a call to STOP doing things that stifle growth, and to START doing things that cause it.

When properly received and understood, it is nothing to be afraid of, and certainly not to be avoided.

Of all the areas that a human being can grow and mature, the Christian believes that spiritual growth and maturity is the most important, and affects every other category.

The Bible does not simply call for human souls to be saved, as important as that is. You may be surprised to know that it actually speaks much more often of growth and maturity. In fact, the complete and holistic reading of scripture reveals that the spiritual move from "unsaved" to "saved" is but one step of growth and maturity in a long and ever-deepening love relationship with God.

What is your next step? How interested in finding and taking it are you? Spiritual growth does not just happen. God has set things up to where you must be intentional about it. You must engage it, and you must allow it.

James sets the standard high. He tells us to expect to be "mature and complete, not lacking anything." (1:4)

Be comforted to know that it really doesn't matter how far or close you are to that standard. And there is no system of value in God's eyes between where you are and anyone else is. What matters is that you are interested in finding and taking your next step towards it.

My warning: it will cost you. My promise: it will be worth it. It will be worth precisely what Jesus is worth.

Brian Mashburn

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