Are you studying the practices of the church in Acts?
Are you studying the practices of the church in Amarillo?
Are you studying the practices of the disciples in Acts?
Are you studying your own practices as a disciple in Amarillo?
I don't recommend it.
It's quite humbling to do this dangerous comparison between our practices and the practices of this remarkable Jesus movement that we come from.
Humbling, because if they can do it, we can do it.
Dangerous, because if their practices need to be our practices, we have to detach from our practices and 're-tach" to theirs.
It's not as hard as it sounds, however, if you look closely. Take, for example, this practice in Acts 5:42 - "Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ."
When was the last time you shared the distilled and powerful "gospel message" with anyone? And when you do, what is the content of that message?
Today we look at the message that changed the world in Acts. Why? Because we want to be sure that our message contains what their message contained...nothing more and nothing less...because it is the message that changes the world. And one more thing...once we know that message, we need to share it like they did.
For the Holy Spirit's movement to continue through us, then we need the Holy Spirit's message that invites His movement.
Then maybe we will see the results that they saw recorded in Acts 14:21 - "They preached the good news in that city and won a large number of disciples."