Our Shepherds

About Us

Tom Farris

Chris Sharp


Born and raised in the Texas Panhandle with stops in Panhandle, Borger, and Amarillo. While in the 6th grade in Borger, I met my future wife, Traci. We met up again at West Texas State University and married in 1990. I graduated from West Texas State in 1989. I received my Master’s degree in Counseling and Education in 1992. Traci has been a school teacher for thirty-one years, 29 of those years in AISD. We have four great kids, three of whom (Hutton, Rylee & Aden) are teachers and our youngest (Maggie) attends Amarillo College.

My career started in the counseling world where I worked as a marriage and family counselor for ten years. After burning out from counseling, I’ve spent close to twenty years in the municipal arena, eleven of which I was the Assistant City Manager and Finance Director for the City of Canyon. A little over four years ago, I got the privilege of doing the same type of work but for Amarillo College. I’m the Vice President at AC over Business Affairs. Go Badgers.

I grew up in the Church of Christ. Traci and I have led a small group for over twenty years. I have been in leadership positions at our previous church and am passionate about sharing God’s word with others. Traci and I love to have people come to our house for food, fun, and fellowship. We desire to get to know all of our brothers and sisters at Southwest. I am honored and excited to be your elder and look forward to serving you and your family.

Chris' Q&A...
What is an interesting fact about you?

Believe it or not, I've run seven marathons and fifteen half-marathons.

What are your hobbies?

Playing golf, watching classic movies, and being a human pillow for my dog Pierre

What do you do for a living?

Vice President at Amarillo College. I'm over Business Affairs.

Greatest accomplishment?

Baptizing my kids.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?


Favorite foods?

BBQ and anything fried

Favorite music?

I love 70's Classic Rock. Free Bird

Favorite vacation?

Going to Colorado with the family

Favorite Bible verse?

Romans 8:1

Favorite book (other than the Bible)?

I love historical fiction. I have many but The Book Thief is among my favorite.

Mac or PC?


If you could share just one of Jesus' teachings with someone what would it be?

Luke 7:36-50 saved by the grace of God (the woman) and not by what I do (the Pharisees)

Favorite moment at Southwest?

When I go through difficult times (loss of my brother, cancer diagnosis) my brothers and sisters at Southwest are always there walking with me.

What do you love about Southwest?

I love our members, Elders, and staff. We have a great energy at the church that fills me with joy. Our love for the lost, our love for the flock, our love for the city, our love is the moniker of Southwest.

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